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Germany 27,1% Germany
France 12,6% France
Switzerland 5,8% Switzerland
Netherlands 5,8% Netherlands
Czechia 4,6% Czechia
Italy 4,5% Italy
Belgium 4,3% Belgium
Slovenia 4,0% Slovenia
Austria 3,3% Austria
Poland 3,2% Poland
Spain 3,2% Spain
United States 2,9% United States
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) 2,8% United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Slovakia 2,0% Slovakia
Croatia 1,1% Croatia



Aujourd'hui: 31
Hier: 66
Cette semaine: 331
Semaine dernière: 498
Ce mois: 1.398
Mois dernier: 2.077
Total: 28.368